Are You Fighting the Weight Loss Battle and Losing?
- You’ve tried every fad diet out there with little to no success.
- The weight you have lost, seems to find you again like an unwanted boomerang!
- You’ve tried exercising more, portion control, shakes and pills, calorie restriction and even fasting…with no long term success!
- You feel frustrated, hopeless and like a failure.
- You wonder, “What’s wrong with me?! Why can’t I lose weight and keep it off?!”

You’re not to blame!
It’s not a lack of willpower, or something wrong with you.
Here’s the truth… Every fad diet you’ve tried is faulty…
it’s forgetting an important truth…
Permanent Weight Loss is Only Achieved through Permanent Lifestyle Change.
Read that again and let that sink in…
It’s a fact that can’t be ignored.
It’s why fad diets don’t work. They are destined to fail. You will return to your old eating patterns and bad habits once “the diet” is over.
Not until you change your unhealthy behaviors, bad habits and problematic emotions and thought patterns around food will you lose weight and be able to keep it off long term.
After 20+ years of helping clients make positive changes in their lives as a mental health counselor, I know a thing or two about how to help people make and sustain healthy changes. And I am passionate about helping you!

It’s more than just healthy, whole food…
it’s a healthy whole you!
The Vegan Shrink program is not a diet; it’s a program that combines the power of a whole food vegan diet with the mental health tools and guidance you need to create a healthy lifestyle for long term weight loss!
You’ll get straight-forward, easy to understand, practical information about which healthy foods to eat, and which to reduce or eliminate.
Where fad diets fall short, Vegan Shrink adds the missing ingredients for long term success, helping you:
Learn to eat right…not less.
Gain insight and awareness of your issues surrounding food (you can’t change something you’re not aware of!).
Learn effective skills to stop emotional eating and replace unhealthy habits with healthy, sustainable behaviors.
Integrate positive changes and create your new healthy lifestyle!
It’s easy to get started:

Choose -> Lose -> Love!
Choose the process that works best for you:
Individual Coaching, Group Coaching, or Online Class
Lose the weight and keep it off for good!
Love your new healthy body, your new healthy lifestyle, and feel energetic, confident, and happy!
So, what happens if you don’t do anything?
It gets worse…
- You’ll continue to struggle, year after year, and be frustrated with ineffective, unsustainable fad diets.
- You’ll continue to be overweight and likely even increase your weight.
- You may have to deal with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, new prescription medications, or even chronic obesity-related health issues.
- Most importantly, you’ll miss out on being a healthier and happier you!
Scheduling your free 15 minute phone call today could mean that in just 12 short weeks, you’ll be well on your way to a slimmer, happier and healthier you!

Want a taste of what you get from Vegan Shrink? Download your copy of essential healthy vegan substitutions for your favorite foods!
Your information will remain secure and confidential.